Citation management for stdpopsim. Provides utilities for printing
citation information associated with different entities derived from the
literature that are used within a simulation.
import collections
import urllib.request
import attr
# TODO this should be an enum.Enum
class CiteReason:
ENGINE = "simulation engine"
DEM_MODEL = "demographic model"
GEN_MAP = "genetic map"
POP_SIZE = "population size"
GEN_TIME = "generation time"
MUT_RATE = "mutation rate"
REC_RATE = "recombination rate"
GENE_CONVERSION = "gene conversion parameters"
ASSEMBLY = "genome assembly"
ANNOTATION = "genome annotation"
DFE = "distribution of fitness effects"
STDPOPSIM = "stdpopsim"
class Citation:
A reference to the literature that should be acknowledged by users of
:ivar doi: The DOI for the publication providing the definitive reference.
:vartype doi: str
:ivar author: Short author list, .e.g, "Author 1 et. al".
:vartype author: str
:ivar year: Year of publication as a 4 digit integer, e.g. 2008.
:vartype year: int
doi = attr.ib(type=str, kw_only=True)
author = attr.ib(type=str, kw_only=True)
year = attr.ib(type=int, kw_only=True)
reasons = attr.ib(factory=set, kw_only=True)
def __str__(self):
return f"{self.author}, {self.year}: {self.doi}"
def displaystr(self):
s = ["["]
for i, reason in enumerate(self.reasons):
if i != 0:
s.append(", ")
return "".join(s)
def because(self, reasons):
"""Returns a new Citation with the given reasons."""
if not isinstance(reasons, set):
reasons = {reasons}
return self.__class__(
reasons=self.reasons | reasons,
def merge(citations):
"""Returns a deduplicated list of Citation objects."""
cset = collections.OrderedDict()
for citation in citations:
if citation.doi in cset:
citation = cset[citation.doi].because(citation.reasons)
cset[citation.doi] = citation
return list(cset.values())
def assert_valid(self):
Checks that this citation is valid by checking the types and values
of the instance variables.
assert isinstance(self.author, str)
assert len(self.author) > 0
assert isinstance(self.doi, str)
assert len(self.doi) > 0
parsed = urllib.parse.urlparse(self.doi)
assert parsed.scheme.startswith("http")
assert isinstance(self.year, int)
assert self.year > 0
for reason in self.reasons:
assert isinstance(reason, str)
# TODO check that it's in the set of accepted reasons.
def fetch_bibtex(self):
"""Retrieve the bibtex of a citation from Crossref."""
req = urllib.request.Request(self.doi)
req.add_header("Accept", "text/bibliography; style=bibtex")
with urllib.request.urlopen(req) as con:
return con.read().decode()
_stdpopsim_citation = Citation(
author="Adrion et al.",
_catalog_citation = Citation(
author="Lauterbur et al.",