Source code for stdpopsim.slim_engine

SLiM simulation engine.

This is a translation of the msprime API into SLiM's Eidos language, which
resembles R. The generated SLiM script is designed differently to the recipes
described in the SLiM reference manual. In our generated SLiM script, all the
demographic model parameters are defined in multi-dimensional arrays at the
top of the script, in the `initialize()` block. These arrays define the event
generations, and event blocks are subsequently constructed programmatically
using `community.registerLateEvent()`, rather than writing out the blocks verbatim.
This design is intended to permit modification of demographic parameters in
the generated SLiM script, without needing to directly convert event times in
the past into forwards-time generations.

How backwards-time demographic events are mapped to forwards-time SLiM code:

 * `msprime.DemographyDebugger()` does much of the hard work by extracting
   epochs from the given model's `demographic_events`, and calculating a
   migration_matrix for each epoch from the `msprime.MigrationRateChange`
   events. The epoch boundaries defined here are indirectly translated into
   "late events" in SLiM.

 * `msprime.PopulationParametersChange` events are translated into SLiM as
   `pop.setSubpopulationSize()`. If `growth_rate` is not None, the population
   size is changed in every generation to match the specified rate.

 * `msprime.MassMigration` events with proportion=1 are population splits
   in forwards time. In SLiM, these are `sim.addSubpopSplit()`.

 * `msprime.MassMigration` events with proportion<1 indicate an admixture
   pulse at a single point in time. In SLiM, we call `pop.setMigrationRates()`
   in the relevant generation, and turn off migrations in the next generation.
   When multiple MassMigration events correspond to a single SLiM generation,
   the migration proportions multiply, following the msprime behaviour and
   event ordering.

 * The migration_matrix for each epoch describes continuous migrations that
   occur over long time periods. In SLiM, we call `pop.setMigrationRates()`.

import os
import sys
import copy
import string
import tempfile
import subprocess
import functools
import itertools
import contextlib
import random
import textwrap
import logging
import warnings
import collections

import stdpopsim
import numpy as np
import msprime
import pyslim
import tskit
import json

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

def _escape_eidos(s):
    # this is for Windows paths passed as strings in Eidos
    return "\\\\".join(s.split("\\"))

_slim_upper = """
initialize() {
    if (!exists("dry_run"))
        defineConstant("dry_run", F);
    if (!exists("verbosity"))
        defineConstant("verbosity", 2);

    // Scaling factor to speed up simulation.
    // See SLiM manual:
    // `5.5 Rescaling population sizes to improve simulation performance`.
    defineConstant("Q", $scaling_factor);

    defineConstant("burn_in", $burn_in);
    defineConstant("generation_time", $generation_time);
    defineConstant("trees_file", "$trees_file");
    defineConstant("pop_names", $pop_names);

    _recombination_rates = $recombination_rates;
    if (Q != 1) {
        _recombination_rates = (1-(1-2*_recombination_rates)^Q)/2;
    _recombination_ends = $recombination_ends;
    defineConstant("recombination_rates", _recombination_rates);
    defineConstant("recombination_ends", _recombination_ends);
    // whatever is in this dictionary will be saved out in the .trees file
    defineConstant("metadata", Dictionary("Q", Q));

_slim_lower = """
    // Note: these are floats because rounding causes error in population
    // growth: exp(round(x)*r*t) != round(exp(x*r*t))
    defineConstant("N", _N/Q);

    initializeRecombinationRate(recombination_rates, recombination_ends);

function (void)err(string$ s) {
    stop("ERROR: " + s);

function (void)warn(string$ s) {
    catn("WARNING: " + s);

function (void)dbg(string$ s, [integer$ debug_level = 2]) {
    if (verbosity >= debug_level) {
        catn(community.tick + ": " + s);

_slim_functions = """

// Check that sizes aren't dangerously low or zero (e.g. due to scaling).
function (void)check_size(integer$ pop, integer$ size, integer$ t) {
    if (size == 0) {
        err("The population size of p"+pop+" ("+pop_names[pop]+") is zero " +
            "at tick "+t+".");
    } else if (size < 50) {
        warn("p"+pop+" ("+pop_names[pop]+") has only "+size+" individuals " +
             "alive at tick "+t+".");

// Return the epoch index for generation g.
function (integer)epoch(integer G, integer $g) {
    for (i in 0:(num_epochs-1)) {
        if (g < G[i]) {
            return i;
    return num_epochs - 1;

// Return the population size of pop at generation g.
// This function returns values consistent with the continuous-time
// msprime model, not taking into account discretization effects.
function (integer)pop_size_at(integer G, integer$ pop, integer$ g) {
    e = epoch(G, g);
    N0 = N[e,pop];
    r = Q * growth_rates[e,pop];
    if (r == 0) {
        N_g = N0;
    } else {
        g_diff = g - G[e-1];
        N_g = N0*exp(r*g_diff);
    return asInteger(round(N_g));

// Return the tick number for a given number of years ago.
function (integer)time_to_tick(numeric t) {
    return G0 - asInteger(t/generation_time/Q);

// Output tree sequence file and end the simulation.
function (void)end(void) {
    sim.treeSeqOutput(trees_file, metadata=metadata);

// Add `mut_type` mutation at `pos`, to a single individual in `pop`.
function (void)add_mut(object$ mut_type, object$ pop, integer$ pos) {
   targets = sample(pop.genomes, 1);
   targets.addNewDrawnMutation(mut_type, pos);

// Return the allele frequency of a drawn mutation in the specified population.
// Assumes there's only one mutation of the given type.
function (float$)af(object$ mut_type, object$ pop) {
    mut = sim.mutationsOfType(mut_type);
    if (length(mut) == 0) {
        return 0.0;
    return sim.mutationFrequencies(pop, mut);

// Save the state of the simulation.
function (void)save(void) {
    if (sim.getValue("restore_function")) {
        // Don't save if we're in the restore() function.
    n_saves = 1 + sim.getValue("n_saves");
    sim.setValue("n_saves", n_saves);
    dbg("save() "+n_saves);
    sim.treeSeqOutput(trees_file, metadata=metadata);

// Restore the simulation state.
function (void)restore(void) {
    g_restore = community.tick;
    n_restores = 1 + sim.getValue("n_restores");
    sim.setValue("n_restores", n_restores);
    n_saves = sim.getValue("n_saves");
    if (n_saves == 0) {
        err("restore() in tick "+g_restore+", but nothing is saved.");
    dbg("restore() "+n_restores+" from tick "+g_restore+", returning "+
        "to state at save() "+n_saves);

     * The tick counter community.tick has now been reset to the
     * value it had when save() was called. There are two issues relating
     * to event scheduling which must now be dealt with.
     * 1. There may be additional late events for the tick in which
     * restore() was called, and they are still scheduled to run.
     * So we deactivate all script blocks in the "late" cycle to avoid
     * unexpected problems. They will be automatically reactivated at the
     * start of the next tick.
    sb = community.allScriptBlocks;
    sb[sb.type == "late"].active = 0;

     * 2. The late events below were run in the save() tick,
     * but after the save() call. We execute these again here, because
     * the next late events to run will be for community.tick + 1.
     * Note that the save() event is indistinguishable from the other
     * late events in this tick, so we set a flag `restore_function`
     * to signal the save() function not to save again.
    g = community.tick;
    sim.setValue("restore_function", T);
    for (sb in community.allScriptBlocks) {
        if (sb.type == "late" & g >= sb.start & g <= sb.end) {
            self = sb;
    sim.setValue("restore_function", F);


_slim_main = """
1 early() {
    // save/restore bookkeeping
    sim.setValue("n_restores", 0);
    sim.setValue("n_saves", 0);
    sim.setValue("restore_function", F);

     * Create initial populations and migration rates.

    // Initial populations.
    for (i in 0:(num_populations-1)) {
        if (N[0,i] > 0) {
            check_size(i, asInteger(round(N[0,i])), community.tick);
            dbg("p = sim.addSubpop("+i+", "+asInteger(round(N[0,i]))+");");
            p = sim.addSubpop(i, asInteger(round(N[0,i])));
            dbg(" = '"+pop_names[i]+"';");
   = pop_names[i];

    if (length(sim.subpopulations) == 0) {
        err("No populations with non-zero size in tick 1.");

    // Initial migration rates.
    i = 0;
    for (j in 0:(num_populations-1)) {
        for (k in 0:(num_populations-1)) {
            if (j==k | N[i,j] < 1 | N[i,k] < 1) {

            m = Q * migration_matrices[k,j,i];
            p = sim.subpopulations[j];
            dbg("p"+j+".setMigrationRates("+k+", "+m+");");
            p.setMigrationRates(k, m);

    // The end of the burn-in is the starting tick, and corresponds to
    // tick G_start. All remaining events are relative to this tick.
    N_max = asInteger(round(max(N[0,0:(num_populations-1)])));
    G_start = 1 + asInteger(round(burn_in * N_max));
    defineConstant("G0", asInteger(max(_T) / generation_time / Q + G_start));
    G = time_to_tick(_T);
    G_end = max(G);

     * Register events occurring at time T_start or more recently.

    // Save/restore events. These should come before all other events.
    if (length(drawn_mutations) > 0) {
        n_checkpoints = 0;
        for (i in 0:(ncol(drawn_mutations)-1)) {
            save = drawn_mutations[4,i] == 1;
            if (save) {
                // Saving the state at more than one timepoint can can cause
                // incorrect conditioning in the rejection samples.
                if (n_checkpoints > 0) {
                    err("Attempt to save state at more than one checkpoint");
                n_checkpoints = n_checkpoints + 1;

                // Unconditionally save the state before the mutation is drawn.
                g = time_to_tick(drawn_mutations[0,i]);
                community.registerLateEvent(NULL, "{save();}", g, g);
    if (length(condition_on_allele_frequency) > 0) {
        for (i in 0:(ncol(condition_on_allele_frequency)-1)) {
            g_start = time_to_tick(condition_on_allele_frequency[0,i]);
            g_end = time_to_tick(condition_on_allele_frequency[1,i]);
            mut_type = asInteger(condition_on_allele_frequency[2,i]);
            pop_id = asInteger(condition_on_allele_frequency[3,i]);
            op = op_types[asInteger(drop(condition_on_allele_frequency[4,i]))];
            af = condition_on_allele_frequency[5,i];

            if (g_start > g_end) {
                err("Attempt to register AF conditioning callback with g_start="+
                    g_start+" > g_end="+g_end);

            // Restore state if AF condition not met.
                "{if (!(af(m"+mut_type+", p"+pop_id+") "+op+" "+af+"))" +
                " restore();}",
                g_start, g_end);

    // Split events.
    if (length(subpopulation_splits) > 0 ) {
        for (i in 0:(ncol(subpopulation_splits)-1)) {
            g = time_to_tick(subpopulation_splits[0,i]);
            newpop = asInteger(drop(subpopulation_splits[1,i]));
            size = asInteger(round(subpopulation_splits[2,i] / Q));
            oldpop = asInteger(subpopulation_splits[3,i]);
            check_size(newpop, size, g);
                "{dbg(self.source); " +
                "p = sim.addSubpopSplit("+newpop+","+size+","+oldpop+"); " +
                " = '"+pop_names[newpop]+"';}",
                g, g);

    // Population size changes.
    if (num_epochs > 1) {
        for (i in 1:(num_epochs-1)) {
            g = G[i-1];
            for (j in 0:(num_populations-1)) {
                // Change population size if this hasn't already been taken
                // care of by sim.addSubpop() or sim.addSubpopSplit().
                if ((N[i,j] != N[i-1,j] | growth_rates[i-1,j] != 0) & N[i-1,j] >= 1) {
                    check_size(j, asInteger(N[i,j]), g);
                        "{dbg(self.source); " +
                        g, g);

                if (growth_rates[i,j] != 0) {
                    growth_phase_start = g+1;
                    growth_phase_end = G[i] - 1;
                    // this is the number of ticks that the pop will grow for
                    growth_phase_ticks = growth_phase_end - growth_phase_start;
                    // but this is the amount of continuous time the pop model grows for
                    growth_phase_length = growth_phase_ticks + 1;

                    if (growth_phase_start >= growth_phase_end) {
                        // Demographic models could have duplicate epoch times,
                        // which should be fixed.
                             " >= growth_phase_end="+growth_phase_end);

                    N_growth_phase_end = pop_size_at(G, j, growth_phase_end);
                    check_size(j, N_growth_phase_end, growth_phase_end);

                    N0 = N[i,j];
                    r = Q * growth_rates[i,j] * growth_phase_length / growth_phase_ticks;
                        "{" +
                            "dbg(self.source); " +
                            "gx=community.tick-"+g+"; " +
                            "size=asInteger(round("+N0+"*exp("+r+"*gx))); " +
                            "p"+j+".setSubpopulationSize(size);" +
                        growth_phase_start, growth_phase_end);

        // Migration rates.
        for (i in 1:(num_epochs-1)) {
            for (j in 0:(num_populations-1)) {
                for (k in 0:(num_populations-1)) {
                    if (j==k | N[i,j] < 1 | N[i,k] < 1) {

                    m_last = Q * migration_matrices[k,j,i-1];
                    m = Q * migration_matrices[k,j,i];
                    if (m == m_last) {
                        // Do nothing if the migration rate hasn't changed.
                    g = G[i-1];
                        "{dbg(self.source); " +
                        "p"+j+".setMigrationRates("+k+", "+m+");}",
                        g, g);

    // Admixture pulses.
    if (length(admixture_pulses) > 0 ) {
        for (i in 0:(ncol(admixture_pulses)-1)) {
            g = time_to_tick(admixture_pulses[0,i]);
            dest = asInteger(admixture_pulses[1,i]);
            src = asInteger(admixture_pulses[2,i]);
            rate = admixture_pulses[3,i];
                "{dbg(self.source); " +
                "p"+dest+".setMigrationRates("+src+", "+rate+");}",
                g, g);
                "{dbg(self.source); " +
                "p"+dest+".setMigrationRates("+src+", 0);}",
                g+1, g+1);

    // Draw mutations.
    if (length(drawn_mutations) > 0) {
        for (i in 0:(ncol(drawn_mutations)-1)) {
            g = time_to_tick(drawn_mutations[0,i]);
            mut_type = asInteger(drawn_mutations[1,i]);
            pop_id = asInteger(drawn_mutations[2,i]);
            coordinate = asInteger(drawn_mutations[3,i]);
                "{dbg(self.source); " +
                "add_mut(m"+mut_type+", p"+pop_id+", "+coordinate+");}",
                g, g);

    // Setup fitness callbacks.
    if (length(fitness_callbacks) > 0) {
        for (i in 0:(ncol(fitness_callbacks)-1)) {
            g_start = time_to_tick(fitness_callbacks[0,i]);
            g_end = time_to_tick(fitness_callbacks[1,i]);
            mut_type = asInteger(fitness_callbacks[2,i]);
            pop_id = asInteger(fitness_callbacks[3,i]);
            selection_coeff = Q * fitness_callbacks[4,i];
            dominance_coeff = fitness_callbacks[5,i];

            if (g_start > g_end) {
                err("Attempt to register fitness callback with g_start="+
                    g_start+" > g_end="+g_end);

            /* We explicitly format() here to prevent integral-valued floats
             * from getting converted to integers during string interpolation
             * (this triggers a type error when the fitness callback runs). */
            f_hom = format("%e", 1 + selection_coeff);
            f_het = format("%e", 1 + selection_coeff * dominance_coeff);

            /* "All populations" is encoded by a negative value of pop_id. */
            if (pop_id < 0) {
                    "{dbg('s="+selection_coeff+", h="+dominance_coeff+
                    " for m"+mut_type+" globally');}",
                    g_start, g_start);
                    "{dbg('s, h defaults for m"+mut_type+" globally');}",
                    g_end, g_end);
                    "{if (homozygous) return "+f_hom+"; else return "+f_het+";}",
                    mut_type, NULL, g_start, g_end);
            } else {
                    "{dbg('s="+selection_coeff+", h="+dominance_coeff+
                    " for m"+mut_type+" in p"+pop_id+"');}",
                    g_start, g_start);
                    "{dbg('s, h defaults for m"+mut_type+" in p"+pop_id+"');}",
                    g_end, g_end);
                    "{if (homozygous) return "+f_hom+"; else return "+f_het+";}",
                    mut_type, pop_id, g_start, g_end);

    // Setup mutation callbacks.
    // For each stdpopsim mutation type with an h-s relationship
    // we have a sequence of assigned SLiM mutation types;
    // the first is the one that gets produced by mutation,
    // and the remainder are assigned by a mutation callback.
    for (i in seqAlong(mut_types_with_callbacks)) {
        mt = mut_types_with_callbacks[i];
            "{s = mut.selectionCoeff; "
            + "k = findInterval(s, dominance_coeff_breaks_" + mt + "); "
            + "mut.setMutationType(dominance_coeff_types_" + mt + "[k]); "
            + "return T;}",

    // Sample individuals.
    for (i in 0:(ncol(sampling_episodes)-1)) {
        pop = drop(asInteger(sampling_episodes[0,i]));
        n = sampling_episodes[1,i];
        g = time_to_tick(sampling_episodes[2,i]);

        // Check that there will be at least n individuals for sampling.
        N_g = pop_size_at(G, pop, g);
        if (n > N_g) {
            err("Request to sample "+n+" individuals from p"+pop+
                " ("+pop_names[pop]+") at tick "+g+", but only "+
                N_g+" individuals will be alive.");

        if (n > 0) {
                "{dbg(self.source); " +
                "inds=p"+pop+".sampleIndividuals("+n+"); " +
                g, g);

    community.registerLateEvent(NULL, "{dbg(self.source); end();}", G_end, G_end);

    if (G_start > community.tick) {
        dbg("Starting burn-in...");

    if (dry_run) {


_slim_logfile = """
// Optional logfile output:
// Fitness values are only available in early(),
// so logging happens in that stage.
1 early () {
    defineConstant("log", community.createLogFile("$logfile", logInterval=NULL));
    log.precision = 12;
    for (pop in {
            "fitness_p" + pop,
            "p" + pop + ".cachedFitness(NULL);"

1: early() {
    if ((community.tick - 1) % $loginterval == 0)

_slim_debug_output = """

/// Debugging output

// Print out selection coefficients for every new mutation:
// this is for development purposes, and the format of this output
// is subject to change or may even be removed!
// Header:
1 late() {
    if (verbosity >= 3) {

// Content:
1: late() {
    // Print out selection coefficients for every new mutation:
    // this is for development purposes, and the format of this output
    // is subject to change or may even be removed!
    if (verbosity >= 3) {
        new = (sim.mutations.originTick == community.tick);
        for (mut in sim.mutations[new]) {

// Save genomic element type information in tree sequence metadata
// This is for development purposes, and the format of this metadata
// is subject to change or may even be removed!
1 early() {
    if (verbosity >= 3) {
        // recombination map
        // mutationTypes
        muts = Dictionary();
        for (mt in sim.mutationTypes) {
            mut_info = Dictionary(
                "distributionParams", mt.distributionParams,
                "distributionType", mt.distributionType,
                "dominanceCoeff", mt.dominanceCoeff
            muts.setValue(asString(, mut_info);
        metadata.setValue("mutationTypes", muts);
        // genomicElementTypes
        ge_starts = sim.chromosome.genomicElements.startPosition;
        ge_ends= sim.chromosome.genomicElements.endPosition;
        ges = Dictionary();
        for (gt in sim.genomicElementTypes) {
            gt_info = Dictionary(
                "mutationFractions", gt.mutationFractions,
                "intervalStarts", ge_starts[ge_types ==],
                "intervalEnds", ge_ends[ge_types ==]
            ges.setValue(asString(, gt_info);
        metadata.setValue("genomicElementTypes", ges);
        // mutation rates
        mr = Dictionary(
            "rates", sim.chromosome.mutationRates,
            "ends", sim.chromosome.mutationEndPositions
        metadata.setValue("mutationRates", mr);

// Save populations size information in tree sequence metadata
// This is for development purposes, and the format of this metadata
// is subject to change or may even be removed!
1 first() {
    if (verbosity >= 3) {
        metadata.setValue("population_sizes", Dictionary());

1: late() {
    if (verbosity >= 3) {
        popsizes = metadata.getValue("population_sizes");
        for (pop in sim.subpopulations) {
            traj = popsizes.getValue(;
            if (isNULL(traj)) {
                traj = Dictionary();
                popsizes.setValue(, traj);
            traj.setValue("t", c(traj.getValue("t"), community.tick));
            traj.setValue("N", c(traj.getValue("N"), pop.individualCount));


_raw_stdpopsim_top_level_schema = {
    "stdpopsim": {
        "description": "Top-level metadata for a tree sequence produced by stdposim using the SLiM engine",  # noqa: E501
        "type": "object",
        "properties": {
            "DFEs": {
                "type": "array",
                "items": {
                    "type": "object",
                    "properties": {
                        "id": {"type": "string"},
                        "description": {"type": "string"},
                        "long_description": {"type": "string"},
                        "mutation_types": {
                            "type": "array",
                            "items": {
                                "type": "object",
                                "properties": {
                                    "dominance_coeff": {"type": ["number", "null"]},
                                    "dominance_coeff_list": {"type": ["array", "null"]},
                                    "dominance_coeff_breaks": {
                                        "type": ["array", "null"]
                                    "distribution_type": {"type": "string"},
                                    "distribution_args": {
                                        "type": "array",
                                        "items": {"type": ["number", "string"]},
                                    "convert_to_substitution": {"type": "boolean"},
                                    "Q_scaled_index": {
                                        "type": "array",
                                        "items": {"type": "number"},
                                    "slim_mutation_type_id": {"type": "array"},
                                    "is_neutral": {"type": "boolean"},
                        "proportions": {"type": "array", "items": {"type": "number"}},
                        "citations": {
                            "type": "array",
                            "items": {"type": ["string", "object"]},
                        "intervals": {
                            "type": "array",
                            "items": {"type": "array", "minItems": 2, "maxItems": 2},
                        "start_time": {"type": "number"},
                        "end_time": {"type": "number"},

def get_slim_mutation_rate_map(contig):
    Returns a tuple with the breakpoints and rates of mutations for SLiM.
    breaks, dfe_labels = contig.dfe_breakpoints()  # beware -1 labels
    slim_fractions = np.array(
                    for p, mt in zip(d.proportions, d.mutation_types)
                    if (not mt.is_neutral)
            for d in contig.dfe_list
        + [0]
    )  # append 0 for the -1 labels
    slim_rates = contig.mutation_rate * slim_fractions[dfe_labels]
    slim_breaks = breaks[1:] - 1  # SLiM has inclusive right endpoints
    return (slim_breaks, slim_rates)

def slim_array_string(iterable, indent, width=80):
    Format an array as a SLiM c() array and return as a line-wrapped string.
    return (
        + textwrap.fill(
            ", ".join(map(str, iterable)),
        + ")"

def _enum_dfe_and_intervals(contig):
    Returns an iterator which, for every `DFE` in the `contig`, returns a tuple
    containing a numeric id for said DFE, the DFE object and the list of
    intervals associated with the DFE. We need to assign each DFE a numeric id
    both in the slim_makescript and in the _add_dfes_to_metadata, so with this
    function we can ensure these two steps assigns numeric ids to the DFEs in the
    same way.
    assert len(contig.dfe_list) == len(contig.interval_list)
    for i, (d, ints) in enumerate(zip(contig.dfe_list, contig.interval_list)):
        yield i, d, ints

def _dfe_to_mtypes(contig):
    Assigns mutation type ids to each of the mutation types contained in this
    `Contig`. This function will return a dictionary with `len(contig.dfe_list)`
    elements, in which the position of the DFE in `contig.dfe_list` is the key.
    For each DFE, the dictionary holds a list of tuples that contain the
    assigned mutation type ids (used in SLiM) and the `MutationType` object.
    This is necessary so that we use the same numeric ids to the mutation types
    in the _add_dfes_to_metadata and slim_makescript steps.

    The assigned mutation type ids is stored as a tuple, that is only of length
    greater than one if the mutation type is of a sort that is implemented
    using more than one SLiM mutation type; currently, these are only mutation
    types with a discretized h-s relationship, and (a) only the first of these
    mutation types are actually assigned a positive mutation rate in SLiM, but
    (b) all mutations of the first type are transformed to the other mutation
    types in the list, and hence never end up in the final tree sequence. (See
    Recipe 10.6 in the SLiM manual, "Varying the dominance coefficient among
    mid = 0
    dfe_to_mtypes = {}
    for i, d, _ in _enum_dfe_and_intervals(contig):
        dfe_to_mtypes[i] = []
        for mt in d.mutation_types:
            # the first mutation type will be the one that has the mutation rate
            # and each new mutation gets converted to one of the *other* types;
            mid_list = [mid]
            mid += 1
            if mt.dominance_coeff_list is not None:
                for _ in mt.dominance_coeff_list:
                    mid += 1
            dfe_to_mtypes[i].append((tuple(mid_list), mt))
    return dfe_to_mtypes

def _add_dfes_to_metadata(ts, contig):
    Adds the DFEs to the top-level metadata of a tree sequence using
    information in the `contig`.

    def _get_json(obj):
        # recursively flattens an object to a dictionary.
        return json.loads(
            json.dumps(obj, default=lambda o: getattr(o, "__dict__", str(o)))

    tables = ts.dump_tables()
    schema = tables.metadata_schema.asdict()
    metadata = tables.metadata
    dfes = _get_json(contig.dfe_list)
    dfe_to_mtypes = _dfe_to_mtypes(contig)
    for i, d, ints in _enum_dfe_and_intervals(contig):
        dfes[i]["intervals"] = ints.tolist()
        dfes[i]["proportions"] = d.proportions
        for j, (mid_list, mt) in enumerate(dfe_to_mtypes[i]):
            add = {
                "slim_mutation_type_id": list(mid_list),
                "is_neutral": mt.is_neutral,
    new_metadata = {"stdpopsim": {"DFEs": dfes}}
    tables.metadata_schema = tskit.MetadataSchema(schema)
    tables.metadata = metadata
    return tables.tree_sequence()

def msprime_rm_to_slim_rm(recombination_map):
    Convert recombination map from start position coords to end position coords.

    In SLiM, if ends[j-1] = a and ends[j] = b, then the recombination rate rates[j]
    applies to the links between a and b, i.e., to the links a:(a+1), (a+1):(a+2),
    ... (b-1):b. The tree sequence output by a SLiM simulation with L loci
    (i.e., positions 0, ..., L-1) will have sequence length equal to L, because
    intervals in tskit are open on the right, so the interval [0, L) does not
    include L.

    On the other hand, in msprime, a recombination rate map with some rate
    applied to the interval [x, y) will allow recombination events to the
    integers falling in [x, y); an event occuring at x will split x-1 from x,
    and so this implies recombination for the links from
    (x-1):x, x:(x+1), ..., (y-2):(y-1); this would correspond to ends of x-1
    and y-1 in SLiM.

    Note that this implies that the recombination rate that a msprime RateMap
    assigns to the interval [0, 1) has no effect in a discrete msprime
    rates = recombination_map.rate.copy()
    # replace missing values with 0 recombination rate
    rates[recombination_map.missing] = 0
    ends = [int(pos) - 1 for pos in recombination_map.position]
    return rates, ends[1:]

def slim_makescript(

    pop_names = [ for pop in demographic_model.model.populations]
    # Use copies of these so that the time frobbing below doesn't have
    # side-effects in the caller's model.
    demographic_events = copy.deepcopy(
    if extended_events is None:
        extended_events = []
        extended_events = copy.deepcopy(extended_events)

    # Reassign event times according to integral SLiM ticks.
    # This collapses the time deltas used in HomSap/AmericanAdmixture_4B18,
    # and calculates times for GenerationAfter objects.
    def fix_time(event):
        for attr in ("time", "start_time", "end_time"):
            if not hasattr(event, attr):
            t = getattr(event, attr)
            t_rounded = round(float(t) / scaling_factor) * scaling_factor
            if isinstance(t, stdpopsim.GenerationAfter):
                t_rounded -= scaling_factor
            if t_rounded < 0:
                raise ValueError(f"Bad {attr}: {getattr(event, attr)}")
            setattr(event, attr, t_rounded)

    for event in demographic_events:
    for event in extended_events:

    # The demography debugger constructs event epochs, which we use
    # to define the forwards-time events.
    dd = demographic_model.model.debug()
    # msprime.DemographyDebugger(
    #     population_configurations=demographic_model.population_configurations,
    #     migration_matrix=demographic_model.migration_matrix,
    #     demographic_events=demographic_events,
    # )

    epochs = sorted(dd.epochs, key=lambda e: e.start_time, reverse=True)
    T = [round(e.start_time * demographic_model.generation_time) for e in epochs]
    migration_matrices = [e.migration_matrix for e in epochs]

    N = np.empty(shape=(dd.num_populations, len(epochs)), dtype=float)
    growth_rates = np.empty(shape=(dd.num_populations, len(epochs)), dtype=float)
    for j, epoch in enumerate(epochs):
        for i, pop in enumerate(epoch.populations):
            # SLiM simulates a diploid population, so rescale population size
            # depending on contig ploidy. If/when the SLiM simulation is
            # converted to a haploid model, this rescaling should be removed.
            N[i, j] = pop.end_size * contig.ploidy / 2
            growth_rates[i, j] = pop.growth_rate

    admixture_pulses = []
    subpopulation_splits = []
    for i, epoch in enumerate(epochs):
        for de in epoch.demographic_events:
            if isinstance(de, msprime.demography.LineageMovementEvent):
                # This is using internal msprime APIs here, but it's not worth
                # updating before we change over to Demes.
                for lm in de._as_lineage_movements():
                    if lm.proportion < 1:
                        # Calculate remainder of population after previous
                        # MassMigration events in this epoch.
                        rem = 1 - np.sum(
                                for ap in admixture_pulses
                                if ap[0] == i and ap[1] == lm.source
                                lm.source,  # forwards-time dest
                                lm.dest,  # forwards-time source
                                rem * lm.proportion,

                    # Backwards: lm.source is being merged into lm.dest.
                    # Forwards: lm.source is being created, taking individuals
                    #           from lm.dest.
                    # If the proportion==1, we can use SLiM function:
                    #       sim.addSubpopSplit(newpop, size, oldpop),
                    # which we trigger by adding a row to subpopulation_splits.
                    # This SLiM function creates newpop (=lm.source), under the
                    # assumption that it doesn't already exist.

                        (f"_T[{i}]", lm.source, f"_N[{i+1},{lm.source}]", lm.dest)

                    # Zero out the population size for ticks before this
                    # epoch, to avoid simulating invididuals that contribute no
                    # genealogy.
                    N[lm.source, 0 : (i + 1)] = 0
                    growth_rates[lm.source, 0 : (i + 1)] = 0

                    # Ensure there are no migrations to or from lm.source before
                    # this epoch.
                    for j in range(i + 1):
                        for k in range(dd.num_populations):
                            migration_matrices[j][k][lm.source] = 0
                            migration_matrices[j][lm.source][k] = 0

    drawn_mutations = []
    fitness_callbacks = []
    condition_on_allele_frequency = []
    op_id = stdpopsim.ConditionOnAlleleFrequency.op_id
    slim_mutation_ids = _dfe_to_mtypes(contig)
    drawn_single_site_ids = collections.defaultdict(int)
    referenced_single_site_ids = set()
    population_name_to_index = { i for i, x in enumerate(demographic_model.populations)
    for ee in extended_events:
        cls_name = ee.__class__.__name__
        mutation_type_id = None
        population_id = None
        coordinate = None
        if hasattr(ee, "single_site_id"):
            dfe_index = [
                i for i, x in enumerate(contig.dfe_list) if == ee.single_site_id
            if len(dfe_index) != 1:
                raise ValueError(
                    f"The single site with id '{ee.single_site_id}' "
                    f"referenced by {cls_name} must exist and be uniquely "
                    f"labelled, but there are {len(dfe_index)} DFEs "
                    f"with this id on {contig}. "
            dfe_index = dfe_index[0]
            if len(slim_mutation_ids[dfe_index]) != 1:
                raise ValueError(
                    f"The single site with id '{ee.single_site_id}' referenced "
                    f"by {cls_name} must contain a single mutation type, but "
                    f"has {len(slim_mutation_ids[dfe_index])} mutation "
            dfe_intervals = contig.interval_list[dfe_index]
            if dfe_intervals.shape[0] == 0:
                raise ValueError(
                    f"The single site id '{ee.single_site_id}' referenced by "
                    f"{cls_name} has no coordinate: it may have been removed "
                    f"by the addition of an overlapping DFE after the single "
                    f"site was added to the contig."
            if (
                dfe_intervals.shape[0] > 1
                or dfe_intervals[0, 1] - dfe_intervals[0, 0] != 1
                raise ValueError(
                    f"The id '{ee.single_site_id}' referenced by {cls_name} "
                    f"refers to a DFE with intervals {dfe_intervals}, not "
                    f"to a single site."
            mt_id_list, mt = slim_mutation_ids[dfe_index][0]
            if not mt.distribution_type == "f":
                raise ValueError(
                    f"The single site id '{ee.single_site_id}' referenced by "
                    f"{cls_name} has a mutation type with fitness "
                    f"distribution '{mt.distribution_type}', instead of a "
                    f"fixed fitness coefficient."
            coordinate = dfe_intervals[0, 0]
            mutation_type_id = mt_id_list[0]
        if hasattr(ee, "start_time") and hasattr(ee, "end_time"):
            # Now that GenerationAfter times have been accounted for, we can
            # properly catch invalid start/end times.
            stdpopsim.validate_time_range(ee.start_time, ee.end_time)
        if hasattr(ee, "population"):
            # Convert population name to integer index. "-1" is used to encode
            # all populations (currently only valid for ChangeMutationFitness).
            if ee.population is None:
                population_id = -1
            elif ee.population not in population_name_to_index.keys():
                raise ValueError(
                    f"The population {ee.population} referenced by "
                    f"{cls_name} is not in demographic model "
                    f"{}, with defined populations "
                population_id = population_name_to_index[ee.population]

        # Append attributes to lists per event type
        if isinstance(ee, stdpopsim.DrawMutation):
            assert population_id >= 0
                    ee.time * demographic_model.generation_time,
                    0,  # flag to save state in mutation generation
            drawn_single_site_ids[ee.single_site_id] += 1
        elif isinstance(ee, stdpopsim.ChangeMutationFitness):
                    ee.start_time * demographic_model.generation_time,
                    ee.end_time * demographic_model.generation_time,
        elif isinstance(ee, stdpopsim.ConditionOnAlleleFrequency):
            assert population_id >= 0
                    ee.start_time * demographic_model.generation_time,
                    ee.end_time * demographic_model.generation_time,
            raise ValueError(f"Unknown extended event type {type(ee)}")

    # Check that there exists only one drawn mutation per single site.
    for single_site_id, n_drawn_mutations in drawn_single_site_ids.items():
        if n_drawn_mutations > 1:
            raise ValueError(
                f"The single site {single_site_id} has {n_drawn_mutations} "
                f"mutations, but a maximum of one mutation is allowed per "
                f"single site."

    # Check that drawn mutations exist for extended events that need them.
    for single_site_id in referenced_single_site_ids:
        if single_site_id not in drawn_single_site_ids.keys():
            raise ValueError(
                f"An extended event requires a mutation at single site "
                f"{single_site_id}, but no mutation is drawn at this site."

    # Set "save state" flag for the oldest drawn mutation
    drawn_mutations = sorted(drawn_mutations, key=lambda x: x[0], reverse=True)
    if len(drawn_mutations) > 0:
        drawn_mutations[0] = drawn_mutations[0][:-1] + (1,)

    printsc = functools.partial(print, file=script_file)

    # Header
    printsc(" * stdpopsim " + stdpopsim.__version__)
    printsc(" *")
    printsc(" * Demographic model: " +
        " * "
        + "\n * ".join(
            [line.strip() for line in demographic_model.description.split("\n")]
    for citation in demographic_model.citations:
        printsc(" * " + str(citation))
    printsc(" */")

    recomb_rates, recomb_ends = msprime_rm_to_slim_rm(contig.recombination_map)
    indent = 8 * " "
    recomb_rates_str = slim_array_string(recomb_rates, indent)
    recomb_ends_str = slim_array_string(recomb_ends, indent)

    pop_names_str = ", ".join(map(lambda x: f'"{x}"', pop_names))


    def matrix2str(
        matrix, row_comments=None, col_comment=None, indent=2, fmt="", dim=(None, None)
        Return an Eidos representation of the matrix as a string.
        if row_comments is not None:
            assert len(matrix) == len(row_comments)

        if len(matrix) == 0:
            return "c()"

        s = ["array(c(\n"]
        if col_comment is not None:
            s.append(indent * 4 * " " + "// " + col_comment + "\n")

        for i in range(len(matrix)):
            s.append(indent * 4 * " ")
            s.append("c({})".format(", ".join([format(x, fmt) for x in matrix[i]])))
            if i != len(matrix) - 1:
            if row_comments is not None:
                s.append(" // " + row_comments[i])

        s.append((indent - 1) * 4 * " ")

        if dim[0] is None:
            dim = (len(matrix[0]), dim[1])
        if dim[1] is None:
            dim = (dim[0], len(matrix))
        s.append(f"), c({dim[0]}, {dim[1]}))")

        return "".join(s)

    # Genomic element types.
    mutation_callbacks = {}
    dfe_mtypes = _dfe_to_mtypes(contig)
    for j, d, ints in _enum_dfe_and_intervals(contig):
        # Mutation types and proportions.
        mut_type_list = []
        mut_props_list = []
        assert len(dfe_mtypes[j]) == len(d.mutation_types)
        for mt_index, (mid_list, mt) in enumerate(dfe_mtypes[j]):
            if len(mt.Q_scaled_index) >= 1:
                distrib_args = [str(arg) for arg in mt.distribution_args]
                for k in mt.Q_scaled_index:
                    distrib_args[mt.Q_scaled_index[k]] = (
                        "Q * " + distrib_args[mt.Q_scaled_index[k]]
                distrib_args = ", ".join(distrib_args)
            # dealing with distributions given by "s" Eidos script,
                distrib_args = "; ".join([f'"{a}"' for a in mt.distribution_args])
            if mt.dominance_coeff_list is None:
                h_list = [mt.dominance_coeff]
                # this first value will apply only to mutations that are never kept,
                # and so has no effect
                h_list = [0.5]
                # record here what we'll need to set up the callbacks in script
                mutation_callbacks[mid_list[0]] = {
                    "dominance_coeff_breaks": mt.dominance_coeff_breaks,
                    "mutation_types": mid_list[1:],
            assert len(mid_list) == len(h_list)
            first_mt = True
            for mid, h in zip(mid_list, h_list):
                # We will assign a proportion of 0.0 to mutation types that are neutral
                # unless all the mutation types in a DFE are neutral. In such case,
                # SLiM would not allow all mutation types in a genomic element type to
                # have 0.0 proportion. And the proportions in SLiM won't matter anyway,
                # because all the intervals in this fully neutral DFE will have 0.0
                # mutation rate anyway.
                # Furthermore, for mutation types with a discretized h-s relationship,
                # we only mutate to the first assigned mutation type, and remaining ones
                # are produced by a mutation callback.
                use_prop = first_mt and ((not mt.is_neutral) or d.is_neutral)
                p = d.proportions[mt_index] if use_prop else 0.0
                    f"    initializeMutationType({mid}, {h}, "
                    f'"{mt.distribution_type}", {distrib_args});'
                if not mt.convert_to_substitution:
                    # T is the default for WF simulations.
                    printsc(f"    m{mid}.convertToSubstitution = F;")
                # TODO: when msprime.SLiMMutationModel supports stacking policy,
                # set policy such that there's at most a single mutation per-site
                # and individual
                # printsc(f"    mt{mid}.mutationStackGroup = 0;")
                # printsc(f"    mt{mid}.mutationStackPolicy = 'l';")
                first_mt = False
        mut_types = ", ".join([str(mt) for mt in mut_type_list])
        mut_props = ", ".join(map(str, mut_props_list))
            f"    initializeGenomicElementType({j}, c({mut_types}), c({mut_props}));"
        if d.is_neutral:
                f"    // Note: genomic element type {j} is entirely neutral,"
                " so will not be simulated by SLiM."
        if ints.shape[0] > 0:
            element_starts = slim_array_string(ints[:, 0], indent)
            # stdpopsim intervals are 0-based left inclusive, right exclusive, but
            # SLiM intervals are right inclusive
            element_ends = slim_array_string(ints[:, 1] - 1, indent)
                f"    initializeGenomicElement({j}, {element_starts}, {element_ends});"
    # Mutation rate map.
    mut_breaks = slim_array_string(map(int, slim_rate_map[0]), indent)
    mut_rates = slim_array_string(slim_rate_map[1], indent)
    printsc(f"    initializeMutationRate(Q*{mut_rates}, {mut_breaks});")

    # Epoch times.
    printsc("    // Time of epoch boundaries, in years before present.")
    printsc("    // The first epoch spans from INF to _T[0].")
    printsc('    defineConstant("_T", c({}));'.format(", ".join(map(str, T))))

    # Population sizes.
    printsc("    // Population sizes at the beginning of each epoch")
    printsc("    // (will be rounded).")
        "    _N = "
        + matrix2str(
            N, row_comments=pop_names, col_comment="INF:_T[0], _T[0]:_T[1], etc."
        + ";"

    printsc('    defineConstant("num_epochs", length(_T));')
    printsc('    defineConstant("num_populations", ncol(_N));')

    # Growth rates.
    printsc("    // Population growth rates for each epoch.")
        '    defineConstant("growth_rates", '
        + matrix2str(
            col_comment="INF:_T[0], _T[0]:_T[1], etc.",
            dim=("num_epochs", "num_populations"),
        + ");"

    printsc("    no_migration = rep(0, num_populations*num_populations);")

    # Migration rates.
    printsc("    // Migration rates for each epoch.")
    printsc("    // Migrations involving a population with size=0 are ignored.")
    printsc("    // XXX: document what the rows & cols correspond to.")
    printsc('    defineConstant("migration_matrices", array(c(')
    for i in range(len(migration_matrices)):
        epoch_str = f"INF:_T[{i}]" if i == 0 else f"_T[{i}]:_T[{i+1}]"
        printsc(2 * 4 * " " + "// " + epoch_str)

        end = ",\n" if i != len(migration_matrices) - 1 else "\n"
        if np.all(np.array(migration_matrices[i]) == 0):
            printsc(2 * 4 * " " + "no_migration", end=end)
                2 * 4 * " "
                + matrix2str(
                    dim=("num_populations", "num_populations"),
    printsc(4 * " " + "), c(num_populations, num_populations, num_epochs)));")

    # Population splits.
    printsc("    // Population splits, one row for each event.")
        '    defineConstant("subpopulation_splits", '
        + matrix2str(subpopulation_splits, col_comment="time, newpop, size, oldpop")
        + ");"

    # Admixture pulses.
    # Output _T[...] variable rather than an index.
    admixture_pulses = [(f"_T[{ap[0]}]", *ap[1:]) for ap in admixture_pulses]
    printsc("    // Admixture pulses, one row for each pulse.")
        '    defineConstant("admixture_pulses", '
        + matrix2str(admixture_pulses, col_comment="time, dest, source, rate")
        + ");"

    # Drawn mutations.
    printsc("    // Drawn mutations, one row for each mutation.")
        '    defineConstant("drawn_mutations", '
        + matrix2str(
            col_comment="time, mut_type, pop_id, genomic_coordinate, save",
        + ");"

    # Fitness callbacks.
    printsc("    // Fitness callbacks, one row for each callback.")
        '    defineConstant("fitness_callbacks", '
        + matrix2str(
            col_comment="start_time, end_time, mut_type, pop_id, "
            "selection_coeff, dominance_coeff",
        + ");"

    # Mutation callbacks.
        "    // Mutations callbacks for h-s relationships, "
        "one variable for each callback."
    mut_types_with_callbacks = list(mutation_callbacks.keys())
        '    defineConstant("mut_types_with_callbacks", c('
        + ", ".join(map(str, mut_types_with_callbacks))
        + "));"
    for mt in mut_types_with_callbacks:
            f'    defineConstant("dominance_coeff_types_{mt}", c('
            + ", ".join(map(str, mutation_callbacks[mt]["mutation_types"]))
            + "));"

            f'    defineConstant("dominance_coeff_breaks_{mt}", c(-INF, '
            + ", ".join(map(str, mutation_callbacks[mt]["dominance_coeff_breaks"]))
            + ", INF));"

    # Allele frequency conditioning
    op_types = ", ".join(
        f'"{op}"' for op in stdpopsim.ConditionOnAlleleFrequency.op_types
    printsc(f'    defineConstant("op_types", c({op_types}));')
    printsc("    // Allele frequency conditioning, one row for each.")
        '    defineConstant("condition_on_allele_frequency", '
        + matrix2str(
            col_comment="start_time, end_time, mut_type, pop_id, "
            "op, allele_frequency",
        + ");"

    # Sampling episodes.
    sampling_episodes = []
    for sample_set in samples:
        pop = demographic_model.model[sample_set.population]
        count = sample_set.num_samples
        time = 0 if sample_set.time is None else sample_set.time
        time = round(time * demographic_model.generation_time)
        if sample_set.ploidy == 1:
            # SLiM can only sample individuals, which we assume are diploid.
            n_inds = (count + 1) // 2
            if count % 2 != 0:
                gen = time / demographic_model.generation_time
                        f"SLiM simulates diploid individuals, so {n_inds} "
                        f"individuals will be sampled for the {count} haploids "
                        f"requested from population {} at time {gen}. "
                        "See #464."
        elif sample_set.ploidy == 2:
            n_inds = count
            raise ValueError(
                "Sample ploidy other than 1 or 2 is not currently supported in "
                "the SLiM engine."
        sampling_episodes.append((, n_inds, time))

    printsc("    // One row for each sampling episode.")
        '    defineConstant("sampling_episodes", '
        + matrix2str(sampling_episodes, col_comment="pop, n_inds, time")
        + ");"

    if logfile is not None:

    return epochs[0]

class SLiMException(Exception):

[docs] class _SLiMEngine(stdpopsim.Engine): id = "slim" #: description = "SLiM forward-time Wright-Fisher simulator" #: citations = [ stdpopsim.Citation( doi="", year=2019, author="Haller et al.", reasons={stdpopsim.CiteReason.ENGINE}, ), ] def slim_path(self): return os.environ.get("SLIM", "slim") def get_version(self, slim_path=None): if slim_path is None: slim_path = self.slim_path() s = subprocess.check_output([slim_path, "-v"]) return s.split()[2].decode("ascii").rstrip(",") def _assert_min_version(self, min_required_version, slim_path): def version_split(version): return [int(v) for v in version.split(".")] current_version = self.get_version(slim_path) if version_split(current_version) < version_split(min_required_version): raise RuntimeError( f"Minimum supported SLiM version is {min_required_version}, " f"but only found version {current_version}" )
[docs] def simulate( self, demographic_model, contig, samples, *, seed=None, extended_events=None, slim_path=None, slim_script=False, slim_scaling_factor=1.0, slim_burn_in=10.0, dry_run=False, verbosity=None, logfile=None, logfile_interval=100, keep_mutation_ids_as_alleles=False, _recap_and_rescale=True, ): """ Simulate the demographic model using SLiM. See :meth:`.Engine.simulate()` for definitions of the ``demographic_model``, ``contig``, and ``samples`` parameters. :param seed: The seed for the random number generator. :type seed: int :param extended_events: A list of :class:`ExtendedEvents` to be passed to SLiM, e.g. produced by :func:`selective_sweep()`. :type extended_events: list :param slim_path: The full path to the slim executable, or the name of a command in the current PATH. :type slim_path: str :param slim_script: If true, the simulation will not be executed. Instead the generated SLiM script will be printed to stdout. :type slim_script: bool :param slim_scaling_factor: Rescale model parameters by the given value, to speed up simulation. Population sizes and generation times are divided by this factor, whereas the mutation rate, recombination rate, and growth rates are multiplied by the factor. See SLiM manual: `5.5 Rescaling population sizes to improve simulation performance.` :type slim_scaling_factor: float :param slim_burn_in: Length of the burn-in phase, in units of N generations. :type slim_burn_in: float :param dry_run: If True, run the setup and then end the simulation. :type dry_run: bool :param logfile: Name of file to write a log of summary statistics (currently, only mean and SD of fitness values per population). Defaults to None, meaning "do not log". :param logfile_interval: How often to write to the log file, in generations. :param keep_mutation_ids_as_alleles: If true, alleles will be coded by integer mutation ids (assigned by SLiM) rather than by randomly-generated nucleotides. :type keep_mutation_ids_as_alleles: bool """ if slim_scaling_factor <= 0: raise ValueError("slim_scaling_factor must be positive") if slim_burn_in < 0: raise ValueError("slim_burn_in must be non-negative") if len(contig.dfe_list) == 0: raise ValueError("SLiM requires at least one DFE.") if slim_scaling_factor != 1: warnings.warn( stdpopsim.SLiMScalingFactorWarning( f"You're using a scaling factor ({slim_scaling_factor}). " "This should give similar results for many situations, " "but is not equivalent, especially in the presence of selection. " "When using rescaling, you should be careful---do checks and " "compare results across different values of the scaling factor." ) ) # handle deprecated samples=[msprime.SampleSet] input if isinstance(samples, dict): sample_sets = demographic_model.get_sample_sets( samples, ploidy=contig.ploidy ) elif all([isinstance(x, msprime.SampleSet) for x in samples]): sample_sets = samples else: raise ValueError( "Samples must be a dict of the form {population_name:num_samples}." ) # figuring out mutations in SLiM and neutral mutations to be added # by msprime later slim_rate_map = get_slim_mutation_rate_map(contig) self._warn_mutation_rate_mismatch(contig, demographic_model) self._warn_recombination_rate_mismatch(contig, demographic_model) run_slim = not slim_script @contextlib.contextmanager def _slim_tempdir(): tempdir = tempfile.TemporaryDirectory( prefix="stdpopsim_", ignore_cleanup_errors=True ) ts_filename = os.path.join(, f"{os.urandom(3).hex()}.trees") if run_slim: script_filename = os.path.join(, f"{os.urandom(3).hex()}.slim" ) script_file = open(script_filename, "w", encoding="utf-8") else: script_filename = "stdout" script_file = sys.stdout yield script_file, script_filename, ts_filename if run_slim: script_file.close() tempdir.cleanup() with _slim_tempdir() as st: script_file, script_filename, ts_filename = st recap_epoch = slim_makescript( script_file, ts_filename, demographic_model, contig, sample_sets, extended_events, slim_scaling_factor, slim_burn_in, slim_rate_map, logfile=logfile, logfile_interval=logfile_interval, ) script_file.flush() if not run_slim: return None self._run_slim( script_filename, slim_path=slim_path, seed=seed, dry_run=dry_run, verbosity=verbosity, ) if dry_run: return None ts = tskit.load(ts_filename) ts = _add_dfes_to_metadata(ts, contig) if _recap_and_rescale: ts = self._recap_and_rescale( ts, seed, recap_epoch, contig, slim_scaling_factor, keep_mutation_ids_as_alleles, extended_events, ) if contig.inclusion_mask is not None: ts = stdpopsim.utils.mask_tree_sequence( ts, contig.inclusion_mask, False ) if contig.exclusion_mask is not None: ts = stdpopsim.utils.mask_tree_sequence(ts, contig.exclusion_mask, True) return ts
def _run_slim( self, script_file, slim_path=None, seed=None, dry_run=False, verbosity=None ): """ Run SLiM. We capture the output using Popen's line-oriented text buffering (bufsize=1, universal_newlines=True) and redirect all messages to Python's logging module. By convention, messages from SLiM prefixed with "ERROR: " or "WARNING: " are treated as ERROR or WARN loglevels respectively. All other output on stdout is given the DEBUG loglevel. ERROR messages will raise a SLiMException here too, because they are always generated by the `stop()` eidos function which makes SLiM exit with a non-zero return code. """ if slim_path is None: slim_path = self.slim_path() self._assert_min_version("4.0", slim_path) slim_cmd = [slim_path] if seed is not None: slim_cmd.extend(["-s", f"{seed}"]) if dry_run: slim_cmd.extend(["-d", "dry_run=T"]) if verbosity is not None: slim_cmd.extend(["-d", f"verbosity={verbosity}"]) slim_cmd.append(script_file) with subprocess.Popen( slim_cmd, bufsize=1, universal_newlines=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, ) as proc: procout = proc.communicate() try: # we get procout == None with the patching of suprocess.Popen # that we do in outs, errs = procout except ValueError: warnings.warn( stdpopsim.UnspecifiedSLiMWarning( "Cannot get output from SLiM " "for unknown reasons." ) ) outs, errs = "", "" for line in outs.splitlines(): line = line.rstrip() if line.startswith("WARNING: "): warnings.warn( stdpopsim.UnspecifiedSLiMWarning(line[len("WARNING: ") :]) ) else: # filter `dbg` function calls that generate output line = line.replace("dbg(self.source); ", "") logger.debug(line) for line in errs.splitlines(): if line.startswith("ERROR: "): logger.error(line[len("ERROR: ") :]) if proc.returncode != 0: raise SLiMException( f"{slim_path} exited with code {proc.returncode}.\n{errs}" ) def _simplify_remembered(self, ts): """ Remove all samples except those individuals that were explicity sampled in SLiM with sim.treeSeqRememberIndividuals(). """ nodes = itertools.chain.from_iterable( i.nodes for i in ts.individuals() if i.flags & pyslim.INDIVIDUAL_REMEMBERED ) return ts.simplify(samples=list(nodes), filter_populations=False) def _recap_and_rescale( self, ts, seed, recap_epoch, contig, slim_scaling_factor, keep_mutation_ids_as_alleles, extended_events=None, ): """ Apply post-SLiM transformations to ``ts``. This rescales node times, does recapitation, simplification, adds neutral mutations, converts alleles to nucleotides, and rebuilds the individual table for haploids. """ # Times come from SLiM generation numbers, which may have been # divided by a scaling factor for computational tractability. tables = ts.dump_tables() for table in (tables.nodes, tables.migrations, tables.mutations): table.time *= slim_scaling_factor metadata = tables.metadata metadata["SLiM"]["tick"] *= slim_scaling_factor # If a single site DFE is referenced by an extended event, mark the DFE # as non-neutral so that mutations aren't simulated over it. if extended_events is not None: single_sites = set() for ee in extended_events: assert hasattr(ee, "single_site_id") single_sites.add(ee.single_site_id) for dfe in metadata["stdpopsim"]["DFEs"]: if dfe["id"] in single_sites: assert len(dfe["mutation_types"]) == 1 dfe["mutation_types"][0]["is_neutral"] = False # Finding what slim id to use in recap DFE max_id = -1 for dfe in metadata["stdpopsim"]["DFEs"]: for mt in dfe["mutation_types"]: max_id = max(max(mt["slim_mutation_type_id"]), max_id) recap_dfe = { "id": "recapitation", "description": "DFE used in recapitation", "long_description": "neutral mutations added with msprime.sim_mutations " "to the recapited portion of the tree sequence", "mutation_types": [ { "dominance_coeff": 0.5, "distribution_type": "f", "distribution_args": [0], "convert_to_substitution": False, "Q_scaled_index": [0], "slim_mutation_type_id": [ max_id + 1, ], "is_neutral": True, } ], "proportions": [1.0], "citations": [], "intervals": [[0, ts.sequence_length]], } metadata["stdpopsim"]["DFEs"].append(recap_dfe) tables.metadata = metadata ts = tables.tree_sequence() rng = random.Random(seed) s0 = rng.randrange(1, 2**32) population_configurations = [ msprime.PopulationConfiguration( initial_size=pop.start_size, growth_rate=pop.growth_rate, metadata={"name":}, ) for pop in recap_epoch.populations ] demography = msprime.Demography.from_old_style( population_configurations=population_configurations, migration_matrix=recap_epoch.migration_matrix, ) # `recap_epoch` contains population sizes from the demographic model, # that are the number of individuals regardless of ploidy. Thus, # ploidy must be set here, as is done in `_MsprimeEngine.simulate` ts = msprime.sim_ancestry( initial_state=ts, demography=demography, recombination_rate=contig.recombination_map, ploidy=contig.ploidy, random_seed=s0, ) ts = self._simplify_remembered(ts) # Adding neutral mutations to simulation and recapitation periods breaks, dfe_labels = contig.dfe_breakpoints() # beware -1 labels for i, dfe in enumerate(ts.metadata["stdpopsim"]["DFEs"]): assert len(dfe["proportions"]) == len(dfe["mutation_types"]) for prop, mt in zip(dfe["proportions"], dfe["mutation_types"]): if mt["is_neutral"]: mut_seed = rng.randrange(1, 2**32) # Figuring out SLiM mutation id metadata def _get_next_id(ts): max_id = -1 for mut in ts.mutations(): for d in mut.derived_state.split(","): max_id = max(max_id, int(d)) return max_id + 1 def _get_msp_rate_map(breaks, is_this_dfe, rate): rates = np.zeros(shape=is_this_dfe.shape) rates[is_this_dfe] = rate return msprime.RateMap(position=breaks, rate=rates) # Use msprime.SLiMMutationModel rather than msprime.JC69 # for neutral DFEs. This ensures that there will be a # 'selection_coef' key in the mutation metadata (so the # mutation metadata structure will be consistent across the # tree sequence). # TODO: set stacking policy to "l" when supported model = msprime.SLiMMutationModel( type=mt["slim_mutation_type_id"][0], next_id=_get_next_id(ts), ) # Add mutations to recapitated part of trees. start_time = None end_time = None if dfe["id"] == "recapitation": start_time = metadata["SLiM"]["tick"] msp_rate_map = _get_msp_rate_map( np.array([0, contig.length]), np.array([True]), contig.mutation_rate, ) else: msp_rate_map = _get_msp_rate_map( breaks, dfe_labels == i, prop * contig.mutation_rate ) end_time = metadata["SLiM"]["tick"] ts = msprime.sim_mutations( ts, rate=msp_rate_map, model=model, start_time=start_time, end_time=end_time, keep=True, random_seed=mut_seed, ) if not keep_mutation_ids_as_alleles: nuc_seed = rng.randrange(1, 2**32) ts = pyslim.convert_alleles( pyslim.generate_nucleotides( ts, seed=nuc_seed, ) ) # If haploid, rebuild individual table so each sample is an individual if contig.ploidy == 1: ts = stdpopsim.utils.haploidize_individuals(ts) return ts
[docs] def recap_and_rescale( self, ts, demographic_model, contig, samples, extended_events=None, slim_scaling_factor=1.0, seed=None, keep_mutation_ids_as_alleles=False, **kwargs, ): """ Apply post-SLiM transformations to ``ts``. This rescales node times, does recapitation, simplification, and adds neutral mutations. If the SLiM engine was used to output a SLiM script, and the script was run outside of stdpopsim, this function can be used to transform the SLiM tree sequence following the procedure that would have been used if stdpopsim had run SLiM itself. The parameters after ``ts`` have the same meaning as for :func:`simulate`, and the values for ``demographic_model``, ``contig``, ``samples``, and ``slim_scaling_factor`` should match those that were used to generate the SLiM script with :func:`simulate`. :param ts: The tree sequence output by SLiM. :type ts: :class:`tskit.TreeSequence` .. warning:: The :func:`recap_and_rescale` function is provided in the hope that it will be useful. But as we can't anticipate what changes you'll make to the SLiM code before using it, the stdpopsim source code should be consulted to determine if the behaviour is appropriate for your case. """ slim_rate_map = get_slim_mutation_rate_map(contig) # handle deprecated samples=[msprime.SampleSet] input if isinstance(samples, dict): sample_sets = demographic_model.get_sample_sets( samples, ploidy=contig.ploidy ) elif all([isinstance(x, msprime.SampleSet) for x in samples]): sample_sets = samples else: raise ValueError( "Samples must be a dict of the form {population_name:num_samples}." ) with open(os.devnull, "w") as script_file: recap_epoch = slim_makescript( script_file, "unused.trees", demographic_model, contig, sample_sets, extended_events, slim_scaling_factor, 1, slim_rate_map, ) ts = _add_dfes_to_metadata(ts, contig) ts = self._recap_and_rescale( ts, seed, recap_epoch, contig, slim_scaling_factor, keep_mutation_ids_as_alleles, extended_events, ) return ts